Sunday, March 26, 2023

What is gematria effect

The gematria Effect is a numerical association technique used in various spiritual and mystical traditions to draw connections between the numeric value of words and their implied symbolic meaning. Gematria has been used extensively in Jewish, Islamic, Greek, and Christian traditions to uncover hidden spiritual content within texts.

At its core, the purpose of Gematria is to discover the hidden information within words by equating them numerically to reveal deeper levels of understanding and awareness. This linkage allows one to decipher specific symbols such as words, phrases, or numbers through numerical values. The practice of finding deeper knowledge through this form of symbolic correspondence has been referred to as numerology as well.

To calculate Gematria values one must first identify certain characters that can be assigned a numerical equivalent such as the letters in Hebrew or Greek alphabets, or English letters that have numerical equivalents (i.e. A=1; B=2; C=3; etc.). Once these characters have been identified one can translate words into numerical values based on their equivalent letter quantities (for example Jerusalem's Hebrew name "Yerushalayim" breaks down into 611). Each character's numerical equivalent then becomes an integral part of understanding sacred texts as they relate to numerology—range from prophets, scriptures/synoptic gospels, religious figures/apostles, etc., all the way down to everyday conversations with friends and family.

The Gematria Effect from this form of numerical correlation can be noted in various disciplines throughout history dating back at least 5500 years ago in Mesopotamia and Ancient Greece. Both Akkadian and Hebrew magic employed Gematria for divination; Jewish Kabbalists employed it for religious study; early Christians used it as part of Christian gematric theology; Islamic mystics employed it for magical purposes; Masonic Lodges incorporate it into their numbers tradition called Pythagorean theory; contemporary western occultists incorporate it into tarot card readings, astrology charts and calculations; ancient wizards used it for magical spells including necromancy etc

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